Water Based Concrete Stain

Color Mist, water-based concrete stain is an advanced polymer modified product that penetrates and bonds with cemetacious surfaces to create a beautiful and long-lasting look. Color Mist UV stable stains offer a vibrant, mottled and varied look equal to reactive types of concrete stains products without the hazards and complication of application. This micronized pigment is available in a variety of colors.




1 Ensure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes, sealers or coatings. 

2 Shake stain well to ensure all pigments are evenly mixed. Pour half of stain in a 

sprayer or bucket. 

3 Replace cap and shake bottle until any pigments at bottom of container are mixed.  

Pour remaining stain into sprayer or bucket. 

4 Lightly mist concrete surface using sprayer, brush or roller. Avoid puddling of pigment. 

Practice technique prior to applying and experiment with random movements if possible. 

5 Apply stain in light coats with sprayer, brush or pad for desired appearance. Do not 

over apply.  

6 Allow each application to dry (aprox. 1 hour) prior to applying additional color, a 

second color or top coat. Pigment should not come off when lightly wiped. Drying times 

will vary based upon time of day, year and part of the country. 

7 Apply Barrier Gloss or Matt to enhance and protect your newly stained floor once stain 

is fully dried (up to 24 hours).