Concrete Chemistries Barrier Gloss is a highly durable, chemical and stain resistant sealer designed for use on interior and exterior surfaces. Barrier’s water-based formula is easy to apply and becomes extremely strong once cured. It will not cloud or yellow when exposed to UV rays and highly resistant to the harsh effects of outdoor weathering. Barrier is an excellent choice for commercial applications that endure significant wear. * Satin Gloss finish.


1. Ensure surface is clean, dry and free of  waxes or coatings.  

2. Avoid applying during hottest part of the  day. Do not apply when temperatures are  

below 50˚F.  

3. Apply sealer with a microfiber mop,  natural fiber brush, paint pad applicator or low 

pressure sprayer. Distribute product  evenly over entire surface to ensure uniform  

coverage. *Note: For an even cure avoid  puddling. Multiple thin coats are better than  

one thick coat.  

4. Allow at least 30 minutes drying time  between applications. Product may dry quicker 

during outdoor application.   

5. After final coat, allow to dry for 6 hours  prior to surface traffic. Full cure is achieved  

within 48-72 hours. Do not mop or saturate with water for first 7 days. 

6. Clean tools with water